Crop Production
College has got 10 acers of wet land and 20 acers dry land 15 acers of guarder land 20 acers of orchard 8 acers of botanical garden 2 acers of herbal garden and 10 acers of agro forestry in ordered to provide exposure on cultivation of agricultural, horticultural and forestry crops a wide range of crops like paddy, groundnut, sun flower, green gram, black gram, fodder grass vegetables, mango, sapota, goa, papaya, pomegranate, dragon fruit, amla, custard apple, jack fruit, sweet orange, acid lime, teak, red sandal, mahogany etc. are grown in the above lands. They serve as field library for the students. Besides crop production in open field the college also cultivate crops under protected structure like poly hose and shade house. The plants are also multiplied in the nursery and students take up nursery and protected cultivation, organic farming as one of the experiential learning model during 8th semester.