Extension activities are carried out under the BMZ (Federal Ministry of the Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany) project entitled as “Enhancing the adaptive capacity of Farming Communities in North Tamil Nadu by promoting and transferring Climate-Smart Agriculture Practices”
The major objective of the project is to strengthen the adaptive capacities of vulnerable smallholder farming communities to economic, social, and ecological sustainable level.
The six important components or wings of the project are:
- Extension – Farmer clubs formation and organizing trainings in three different types such as community level training, Training on climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices, Training program to strengthen small farmers, women, and youth.
- Earth friendly garden – in DBCA 20 ha of organic farm land is maintained as demo unit.
- Soil and water testing unit - Soil and water testing, analysis and recommendations are given to the farmers at free of cost.
- Tool lending library - It is one of our income generation unit in which, high efficiency tools, farm implements and machineries are lend to small and marginal farmers in a cost effective manner / subsidy rate
- Seed bank and sapling nursery - seed bank for various crops with traditional indigenous varieties are maintained and the seeds are multiplied regularly in the farmers field
- Agro tourism – It is a very interesting unit, it act as stress reliever to the modern mechanised life. Lot of school students, college students, farming community got benefited by this unit.
- So far 3900 small and marginal farmers from 60 villeges of Ranipet, Kanchipuram, and Thiruvallur districts of northern Tamil Nadu were involved in the above activities.