As per the curriculum, Don Bosco College of Agriculture, Sagayathottam has organized All India Study Tour for the course AEX 402 All India Study Tour (0+1) from 04.03.2024 to 21.03.2024 for IV year (2020 batch) VII semester. The students have visited various National and International Institutions related to Agriculture, Animal husbandry, Forestry and other allied fields in various regions of the country.
Tour Participants
A total of 119 students of 2019 Batch participated in ALL INDIA STUDY TOUR. Dr. C. Bala Vivin Sundar, Assistant Professor (Agrl. Extension), Mr. G. Karthik Assistant Professor (Agrl. Entomology), Ms. K. Akila Assistant Professor (Crop Physiology), Ms. S. Sakthi Priyanka Assistant Professor (Soil Science) and Rev. Fr. Arun Sagayaraj, DBCA accompanied the students